Hello my Lovelies, time to reveal my magical wardrobe, when a Magpie gets to dream with some wonderfully creative Dragons.
I am blessed, I have been honored to be a Dragons Dreamboat 5 times and also asked to be a guest designer. Thanks from the bottom of my heart for inspiring and encourage me to dream along.
I had to create a special Nest (wardrobe) to store my tags in.
So come along, grab a cuppa, and enjoy the tour of my magical cupboard, full of my dreams....
There a lots of photos and I will be nattering on, as I do, :O)..
I took the lid of the box sliced it in half with my trusty box cutter.
I taped all the edges with masking tape making them steadier Gessoed them a couple of times, I was waiting for the fabulous stencil my DS Sandy sent me, they are Roman letters, they remind me of the gorgeous doors on the La Sagrada Familia,
in Barcelona, I believe its the most beautiful church in the world, they started construction in 1828, they are still working on it, I fell in love with Barcelona and Senor Gaudi who is my favorite artist, architect , his buildings blew me away and that curved bench made out of mosaic tiles, in his park** THE BOMB **. Sorry back on track, I was very excited with my stencil.
I painted it with my Fresco paints..
Ooww aren't those letter lovely, I laid them down on all 4 corners..
I stamped the word creative on gessoed book page with some Inca gold dots, edged it in fire brick red, the definition is stamped on plain gessoed book paper
The gold piece in the middle is, well I used a copper colored braclet, cover it with toilet paper, using a stipple brush and water, to catch all the design, I put a layer of mod poge on top, then let it dry.
The next day I carefully peeled it from the bracelet, it had rusted a bit, loved that :), I put it in a book with weights on top to flattened it. I used my gold gelato over it then rubbed it in with my fingers. I thought it looked like a piece of wood molding, you see on old wardrobes. The handles are 2 pieces from a bracelet, I painted them with Inca gold.
I stamped the words Magpie and Dragons, well the wardrobe is who it was created by, dreaming with them has been such a joy.
I covered the doors with some same wall paper as the inside.
I took 2 paper sticky back frames, first I gessoed them then painted them with Inca gold, I used some shiny foil paper to make a mirror.
The feather is one of the ones Tonniece has given me, I just had to add a feather, these being special to me, as you know...
Welcome :), all but 3 of them are in there, the other 3 are too big, I have them hanging around it...
Trying to attach the doors was a huge challenge, since the lid to the boot box is larger so it can slide on top, I didn't realize it until I tried to put the doors and side together. I don't have any hinges, so I had to improvise. I put 2 layers of tape, a mesh layer, and a thick plastic tape with mesh inside the tape. Then I made some washi tape, with white medical tape, painted it with fresco's paint and stamped the alphabet, rubbed some Inca gold over it. I used Alinen's glue in between the layers so it would hold when the doors open, I laided weights on each side letting them dry for a day, so it took a couple of days... The sides and lid meet, so they sit out from the box and give it some room for my large tags, I use all sorts of things to make my tags, never a plain tag, I don't even own one, improvising again, I like that it challenges me..

Eeekkksss, when I got up that morning and went over to take the weights off (pieces of slate), flipped it over, I was devastated to see the letters were upside down, what was I to do, well I could paint over it stamp it again, nope, it's kinda me, and it is just for me, so I'm embracing my mistake.......
I used a long stem of a bull rush, instead of a dowel, they are quite strong, to hold the tags, then used 2 wooden tube beads on the ends, The End....
Thanks so much for visiting and staying till the end, bless you :O)..
I'm off to make dinner and will try to fly around and visit as many as you Lovely Ladies as I can. I haven't had any time to start this fortnight challenge, I must do that, then get to my Christmas things. It's going to be crazy around this nest till the new year, so I will try to live in the moment and it will be all GOOD. Hope you all have a wonderful week, ((( BIG HUGS )))..